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Architecture – Interiors – Project Management
Born in 1972, he graduated with top marks from the first artistic high school in Rome. He immediately began a fruitful activity as a designer and coordinator of works, divided between Italy and abroad and between the practice of architecture and theory.
In the early nineties, he specialized in wood craftsmanship, such as gilding, carving and restoration of antique furniture. In the mid-nineties, he enrolled in the faculty of architecture at the University of Rome "LA SAPIENZA", at the same time collaborating with the COSTA PROGETTAZIONI studio. Between 2000 and 2005 he carried out various works for the Costa studio throughout Italy (Milan, Venice, Naples, Sardinia). In 2005 he graduated with a thesis on Restoration of historical monuments with Professor Maria Pia Sette, carrying out assistance and research activities for two years.
Between 2005 and 2011 he worked as a designer and coordinator for the company CROSS DESIGN s.r.l., which led him to carry out various interior construction sites in London, Tokyo, San Francisco, Boston, Las Vegas and Moscow. His experience in the field of craftsmanship and design led him to collaborate with a large number of famous designers, such as Celeste Dell'anna, Alberto Pinto, Laura Sessa and Francesco Lopez.
In 2011 he moved to Istanbul, where he began a fruitful activity as a senior architect for the “TUNCA MIMARLIK” studio in Istanbul, where he designed several buildings both in Turkey and in other foreign countries (United States, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, etc.), especially hotels, resorts and shopping centers.
Since 2013 he has also started a free activity as a consultant-designer and director of works, especially in the field of architectural restoration. He coordinates and supports the restoration and renovation of the Istanbul and Ankara offices of the Italian embassy.
Also since 2013, he has become a consultant for BULGARI SPA and carries out a fruitful collaboration with them to coordinate the work.
From 2014 until 2022, he taught architectural design as a guest professor at Maltepe University in Istanbul.
Since 2012 he has been registered with the Chamber of Architects of Ä°stanbul, as "Yüksek Mimar".

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